Monday, August 13, 2018

August 7, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Welcome if you're a new subscriber! Don't let any of the seasoned subscribers tell you to wear the funny hat all day. That's bunkum and balderdash.

Do you have issues with odors at your home? Cats are notorious for marking. My own Lady the Dog used to stink up her favorite lounge chair with the oils from her fur. I miss that smell...

Just a few days ago one of our Stain Solver customers sent this email to us:

Hello Tim and everyone!

We have a cat that decided to pee on our uncoated grout & tile in the bathroom. We attempted to remove the smell with various products and cures -- we were partly successful but not completely. Then the same cat did the same thing again! So a fresh batch! What to do?

First, I wiped up the puddle. Then I went into the utility room, mixed 2 scoops of Stain Solver into 3 cups of boiling water and poured it liberally all over the bathroom floor. Using a stiff brush and keeping the floor wet for about 3 minutes, I extracted all the water. The smell was gone!

So I can say - Stain Solver worked on the old and new - like a charm - and it cleaned all grout too!

Thank you for a great product!

Mark K
Jax, Florida

Kathy, my wife, and I own Stain Solver. We created the company back in 1996. It's a cottage business we operate and not only does Stain Solver get rid of odors, but it's also a powerful color and fabric-safe cleaner.

It's Certified Organic and both ingredients are Made in the USA.

Go to the Stain Solver home page and look at my most favorite Before/After photo of all time. It's a baseball cap. If that doesn't prove to you how well it works, NOTHING WILL.

Make Your Water Heater Last Forever

Do you know what this odd shaped thing is?

water heater anode rod

CLICK HERE to discover how this metallic sausage can save you HUNDREDS of dollars.

I'm a master plumber so you can trust me on this. It's not some hokum. It's a part of building science that's rapidly becoming myth.

Crazy Little Notes

I know this sounds nuts, but I've decided to get back into cursive writing. I've not really done it for 45 years, and boy do you lose that muscle memory in your hands and fingers!

I wrote two cursive letters last week and they were a mess. I was taught cursive writing by the great nuns at Annunciation grade school using the giant round pencils you leaned on your shoulders. We also used the lined paper that had wood chips in it. Did you have the same experience?

BTW, within a generation, cursive writing will end up being a secret code since I believe it's no longer taught in schools. What a darn shame. That said, how in the world are they teaching kids how to sign their names????

Because of my renewed interest in cursive writing, I was quick to notice a press release not too long ago. I get press releases all the time about all sorts of products and a little over a week ago Jennifer Astin sent me one about these:
Little Notes by E. Frances
Little Notes by E. Frances
These are Little Notes by E. Frances. They're about the size of a normal business card and are designed to allow you to deliver small doses of happiness into the lives of those you love. Here are just a few places you can hide one:

  • lunch boxes
  • pocket notes
  • wallet surprises
  • dashboard reminders
  • etc.

E. Frances makes 35 different designs!!! I pretty much guarantee you'll find one that puts a smile on your face.

They're nice heavy card stock, the colors are vibrant and they come in a clear plastic case to protect them from dirt and dust.

CLICK HERE to see them and to order some. I get nothing if you buy some other than the notion that I helped pay forward some happiness in the life of the person who will receive your Little Note surprise!

FREE Color eBook!

Now that we're talking about colorful things, how about a FREE eBook that will help you choose the best colors for the outside of your home?
{Fresh} and Natural
This is a fantastic eBook authored by Kate Smith, CMG, ICS. Those are fancy acronyms for "she knows a thing or two or three about color".

CLICK HERE to download the FREE eBook. This book was made possible for you by the fine folks at DaVinci Roofscapes. CLICK HERE for more color inspiration from DaVinci.

Great Whole House and Attic Fans

Whole House Fans

DIY Blacktop Patches That LAST

Asphalt Patching
That's enough for a Tuesday wouldn't you say?

Oh, Podcast 18 is ready for you!!!! CLICK HERE to listen to it.

It's about Settlement Cracks - It's a SHORT podcast. Tell me if you LIKE the shorter format. CLICK HERE to listen.

Tim Carter
Founder -
King of Odor Removal -
Magic in the Air -

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post August 7, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.

Via Interior

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